Friday, June 01, 2007

Jonathan Taylor Thomas is Gay.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement and played in a gay role in the movie Speedway Junky... Has apparently come out. Found the following-- CJ

Jonathan Taylor Thomas is Gay
Jonathan Taylor currently in talks about his sexual orientation with a major alternative lifestyle publication.
I can remember his first time he was in the Advocate about the rumors of his gay lifestyle.
You can not blame him for not wanting to tell the truth until after he entered college. It was only a short time after he entered college that he was turned down from Sigma Chi due to his participation in the on campus Gay and Lesbian groups.
Some people even speculate whether or not he even graduated from Harvard in 2004.
Today at 24 years old, Jonathan Taylor Thomas(Born Jonathan Taylor Weiss) has decided his coming out will help many other children to cope with their sexual identity.
All will be revealed in his tell all story!

Re: Jonathan Taylor Thomas is Gay
Good for him! I'm sure he will help a lot of teenagers who may be trying to decide what their sexual orientation is
I can't imagine that life is easy for Jonathan Taylor Thomas, growing up in the spot light and then comming out to tell the world your gay. I admire his courage, and the fact that he is willing to sacrifice himself of the hollywood alter to help out others. I give him 2 big thumbs up, and in my book he is still so darn cute..

I was just wondering if the rumors that Johnathan Taylor Thomas is gay are true. He certainly seems to be gay in my opinion. After all, he did star in a few gay-oriented films and he did a good job portraying a gay teenager in them. Of course, he knows all about the way a gay teenager acts from his own life experiences.
Where the hell is jonathan taylor thomas and is gay or not.?celebrity news update.
6 Answers
He is in college right now studing to become a director he has made several gueast appearances in Tv shows though. He doesn't look as cute as before his hair is a bit long and it looks like his nose got bigger lol.
Who knows where Jonathan Taylor Thomas is. . .and why should we care what his orientation is?

Over the years I've worked with so many smart, funny, talented gay people, and I just don't think about it. They're my friends.” Jonathan Taylor Thomas quotes


Anonymous said...

My goodness, honestly people unless jonathan announces that he is 'gay' on t.v - we won't really know if it's true or not. you cannot always believe what magazines so-called-clearly-and-ever-so-truthfully state. i am not saying he is not gay, then again i am not saying he is. how can you people possibly be all song and dance about this, when it just may not be true. also, just because he starred in a movie that he played a role whome is gay, it doesn't instantly make him not strait. i mean, for heavens sakes it's only acting. that is his profession, he is an actor or was anyway, i'm not sure whether he is going to continue or not. so without sounding harsh, you shouldn't make irrational statements that probably is nothing other than a blatant lie. anyhow, besides this i feel and know for a fact his still incredibly adorable and imensley inspiring. he has a had a long and successful career and i really wish him all the best for the future. jon, i completely admire your talent and down-to-earth kind natureXXX:)

~*+ chantel~+*

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is gay. But I am turned on by a straight boy getting serviced by a gay guy. Alot of straight guys don't care...good head is good head, and I would love to demonstrate my talent to him.

Anonymous said...

People with short left index fingers date women,and people with short right index fingers date men.

Anonymous said...

go to webster hall in NYC. You'll see him on gay nights and such

Anonymous said...

he ISN'T gay. he only was gay in a movie! jeez... people will believe any kind of juicy information. he stated in an interview with the Advocate that he is NOT gay

Anonymous said...

No I think he IS gay. I dunno how I didn't see it before. A lot of people CAN tell if someone is gay! Im gay and I know that for a fact. Gaydar is a sense, people can easily figure out of someone is gay. It just depends how good you are at it. I can tell what kind of guys would do another man. You guys who think he isn't need to look a little closer at this picture. I heard he did come out anyways but he isn't in the spotlight and hasn't been for years

Amber said...

Why should it matter of he is gay or not. It his his choice I'd the lifestyle he wants to live and gay or not, it doesn't effect you. He was my one and only childhood crush and will still think of him as my dream or not

Anonymous said...

Both of my index fingers are I gay or straight?

Anonymous said...

SIMBA NO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Michael & Todd said...

Anyway, me and my friend used to see him at the 7702 a gay bar in West Hollywood around the years 1999-2002. He told my friend he was into watersports. Oh well. TMI, huh?

Anonymous said...

I agree he was my huge childhood crush he was so huge that I actually got married and had 2 kids with a guy named Randy- his name on the show and I don't think he is gay he is too fine still an I'm not ready to give him up!!!lol

Anonymous said...

Good head is NOT good head if it's coming from a a dude! Its just nasty. If a "straight" guy is getting head from another guy, he's NOT straight

Anonymous said...

He's still Hot

Unknown said...

What the hell im fine and hot and I'm gay that is a really nasty thing to say about us gays saying only straight people can be fine you are really rude and close minded.God i wish people would just grow the hell up and stop being biggets

Unknown said...

Ok people when I was wondering high school I gave a lot of straight guys head so you are wrong for saying that's nasty in hate homomphobes grow up we are everywhere do you know 1out of 10 people are gay its 2013 not 1950 so deal with it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I will always be a fan of JTT, "Gay or NOT Gay." If he is so what people like what they like. If Jonathan choices to announce to the world he is Gay that's his business and no one else's. One thing people posses that cant be taken away is freedom of choice. Let him choose for him self if he is Gay and stop exploiting him on these bull shit articles.
Jonathan If you ever read this I've been a fan sense I was 7 or 8 I'm 30 now, I will always support who you are and the roles that you produce. Jon you are a kindred spirit and the world needs more people like you. I wish you the best fortune and luck in your new hurdles at life.
God Bless-
Angela @-->---

Anonymous said...

I started looking through this curious if he was gay.... Now I don't care after looking at pictures of him. Gay or not he is so hot!

Anonymous said...

who cares if JTT is or isn't gay we love him the same gay is not a sin the person that is jugging is the sinner the book says love one another as i have loved you we don't live in the law we live in the grace
times.and then thing changes as the generation passes. Jonathan we love
dude i am gay too with you.

Anonymous said...

We wont know if he is or not. But i tell u what?!! Who cares? Its up to him if he's gay, bi, straight or asexual. A friend of mine who's straight actually helped me to come out as gay and we've been mates ever since. Get over it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Last TIme He did my wife he wasn't gay.

Anonymous said...

If he be turned out to be gay, then it goes to say that now he can marry his lover! The Supremes just ruled that for all gays (lesbians) in the US. I always knew he was gay by the way he "acted." I suppose it's "gaydar" that is a unique ability I have to detect gay men. Love & peace to him for his love of same sex!!!!


Unknown said...

And if ur gonna go by what the bible states..then u also gotta remember ..on only god can judge so for u to say its OK to bash someone that has a certain sexual orientation then u urself are judging an u don't have that right..only god does

Unknown said...

And if ur gonna go by what the bible states..then u also gotta remember ..on only god can judge so for u to say its OK to bash someone that has a certain sexual orientation then u urself are judging an u don't have that right..only god does

Mukhabaratbaby said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Donald Gilbert, I agree mostly. It is wrong for us to judge. I am a Christian and I look at homosexuality as a sin, but no differently than adultery or lying, or prostitution. It's all sin. But I also know that I can't change someone's point of view through insulting them or saying they are stupid. And to the unknown commenter, you are no better. You call us idiots with a closed mind and that we need to worry about our education instead of who's gay or not. Well get off your ass and do the same, edjucated people typically don't use FYI, and when you do, it should be capitalized, knowing that it is an abbreviation. So, why don't you live your own life and leave US alone cause you are spreading just as much hate. And I do agree that "christians" can spread hate. I have had to deal with it my whole life, but there are some of us out there that actually make it a goal to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Unknown said...

It's funny a person can say what one sin is and fail to "Love Thu neighbor as thyself..". Everyday we have some kind of sin in our lives, but if you are seeing this and forgetting "Christ died for sin once and for all" then you are misrepresenting the Bible and Christians. True ones

Anonymous said...

Good for you Jonathan and good on you! You're one talented, SMART and handsome actor wise enough to appreciate the value of an education. Here's wishing you a great career in whatever you, straight, whatever, give it your best.

Unknown said...

So you've never heard of being Drunk? Happens all the time. I don't, but there are plenty who do.

Unknown said...

This whole "You can't have sex with a person of a different gender and be gay!" or "You can't have same sex sexual experiences and be straight!" mentality is Super Troglodytic!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone have a good photo of jonathon taylor thomas feet? Please send pics or sites to me at or text me at 719 425 6885

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! Me too...

Unknown said...

I cannot believe we are even discussing this on here. I am gay and i could give 2 f's about what anyone has to say about it. This is what people should say. No Comment. Plus i think a straight guy might consider going gay for jtt he is beautiful. Lol..chill out you guys.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Well said amber! You go girl!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Preach girl!

Anonymous said...

Most but not all.

Anonymous said...

Your crazy im a hottie too and a singer/stage performer. Im gay but im told im toasty hot daily. So hot people can be gay boo..

Anonymous said...

Amen!! Snaps!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to get anked with him

Anonymous said...

Jonathan if you ever read this i pray every night that your gay cause i love you. I am a straight guy who is ready to suck on you..lmao..i do love you though your me.

Anonymous said...

Really who cares. Be gay and proud and loud. Let rainbows and moonbeams pour out your think all these jesus people talking about its a sin should worry about their own sinful self. Get off the cross we need the wood!

Anonymous said...

I don't do feet personally but if you like it, i love it. I just googled his name earlier and 3 or 4 foot websites came up on him so go have a ball...god