Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Clay Aitkin is back out.

The damage control begins!!

A dirty little bird tells us that The Gayken is set to perform on the American Idol finale this Wednesday night, marking his first high-profile appearance since his recent gay sexcapades have made headlines.

Set your TiVos now!

Also, Clay is scheduled to meet with and give an award to a young fan. Though, we do hear Clay is a giver.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:58 am

    You are a wonderful person but I must disagree with what was reported that you had said(you had supposedly said that your private life is your own?)
    Well, if you spend your life,or at least a great part of it
    "searching for noriety, being popular and so on" you created your own being! You are not stupid!You use the rag mags to your own advantage, and they use it to yours! Get out of the limelight that you use for your own self suppport, and get REAL!
