"Could it be that a certain film fella is trying to straighten up his image? That's the buzz on the set of his latest flick, where crew members openly laugh about the publicity linking the little monkey with two of his female costars. I hear that both ladies have compared notes and realize that the diminutive dude's attentions are visible only when the press is around. When the cameras aren't rolling and the lights are turned down low, our adventurous little imp is off jonesing with any male he can get his hands on. And I'm told that hands are his least popular receptacle. The buzz is that his thumb isn't the only thing he's good at sucking. I hear that he can't live his life without dick...and that's one too many clues, if you ask me. "
"Monkey" - Elijah Wood's childhood nickname was "Monkey.""Jonesing" - Elijah Wood's character in his new movie, Try Seventeen, is named Jones."Thumb sucking" - Elijah Wood is said to be filming a movie called Thumbsucker soon."Diminutive" - Elijah Wood is very short.
Source: Elijah Wood is very very gay.

Elijah Wood is finally addressing those gay rumors. And unlike certain megabucks stars — Tom Cruise, for instance — he’s not threatening to sue. In fact, the “Lord of the Rings” star seems amused. Wood says he likes to surf the Web and look at doctored photos that put him in compromising positions with men.“There’s one that’s called elijahwoodisveryverygay, which is actually a personal favorite of mine, it’s absolutely hilarious,” Wood said, reports World Entertainment News Network. “It’s this kind of joke Web site that maintains that they have proof that I am very, very gay in various photographs — photographic evidence (of me) holding hands with a male.”
Earlier this year, American Star magazine reported that Elijah hunted down a guy who snapped a photo of him and a male pal at a gay West Hollywood bar called `Here`.
A source said: "Elijah ran after the guy. He was screaming. When he finally caught him, Elijah insisted that the picture be destroyed. The fan looked scared. He didn`t realize it would be such a big deal to snap Elijah Wood in a gay bar."

Out reports that Elijah Wood, the Lord of the Rings whose sexuality has been the subject of much speculation, was at the Motorola party at the Sundance Film Festival "shaking his groove thang to tunes by Madonna, Beyonce, and other gay faves. But all of this was done with his posse?a long-haired man and two women. Now, the group dance ploy has long been used at parties by queer celebs who want to go out with the object of their affection but not be seen to be so exclusive that tongues start wagging. Out.com was assured that Wood once had an affair with one of his sexy female costars. Sounds good to us?and weren?t Rock Hudson and Oscar Wilde married to women?"
and so what if eljiah wood is gay;;;and he likes boys on his bed;;;
the first is or the last;;;
ofcourse his controversy and contradiction with jared letto is something that no one agrees
especially when it has to do with sexual competition[see and blogs that are questioning the sexual male of mr letto and mr wood]
and because the music of jared letto is very good in the last 2 albums
okey the kill as a single is not so good as the beautiful lie
that were on the same album
but hurricane is superb
furthermore mr letto should not be bothered that mr wood doesnt like his music and it is not a reason when someone doesnt like our music to beat him
on the other hand mr wood should be more carefull on his expressions concerning jared lettos music and when we express our opinion this should happen with goodwill intention and we should express it by a very pollite and gentle way and possibly mr letto get offended not so by the comments of mr wood but from the way he had spoken concerning his music
and ofcourse i can not believe
the rumours that mr letto begged eliah wood to listen his music on his knees
it contains erotonomicon for all kinds of boys [and for those that they like 30 seconds to mars and for those that they do not like it]
Does it matter?
He is happy,
leave him alone.
We don’t know what’s happening spiritual so it’s time to concentrate on the coming of the lord Jesus Christ not the things of this world. The bible warned us of the signs that will be happening when Jesus is coming and as far as I am concerned the signs are all happening, if you have a bible please read Luke: 18 verse 22 to 27 and Luke: 17 verse 26 to 37 .The things that made God destroy Sodom and Gomorra are adultery, gays, lesbians and many more and God said as it was in those days so shall it be again when he comes. If there’s a time that woman are getting married to woman, man marrying each other and adultery these are the days we are living in and this world is going to be destroyed any day as Sodom and Gomorra. Make the right choice be one in a million in all those celebrities around the world and you will make God proud of you and he won’t forget you when he comes, in what ever you do don’t forget there’s an all seeing eye watching you. When upon the clouds of heaven, Christ shall come to earth again. Will the world be glad to see him, when our lord shall come again? There’ll be singing, there’ll be shouting, there’ll be sorrow, there’ll be pain, there’ll be weeping and there’ll be praying when our Lord shall come again. Will his coming bring rejoicing? Or will it bring tears and pain? Are you ready to receive him when he comes? Will you join in lamentation? Or the angel’s refrain? Will you help us his people crown him? Work and pray till Jesus Christ calls you, help gather in the grain, and then with joy we’ll meet the savior, when our Lord shall come again. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you so much and please I beg love him back he’ll be very happy.
For example it’s two o’clock in the afternoon now and God is coming at night around ten o’clock and maybe you will be busy at a certain party committing adultery, do you think he would take you with him? The bible says no one knows when God is coming just like a thief its better you get ready for his coming. You are now thirty years old soon you will be loosing your sight, your hair will be turning white and you wont be feeling as you are feeling now. Don’t cross the line of mercy because you will be in hell already while on earth. I’ll make sure I pray for you everyday so that one day only one day I’ll see you in heaven rejoicing for eternal for I know you love pleasure so much, but if I were you I would make sure I repent all my sins and receive Jesus Christ as my personal savior so that when he comes to take his people home I’ll be one of them, then I’ll know I will have pleasure forever in heaven with Jesus Christ who died for us to be saved. Make the right choice before it’s too late. I’m not trying to destroy your life but I’m only trying to help you before it’s to late, because the signs that are happening nowadays proves that God is on the way and who knows maybe he is just waiting for you to repent of all your sins receive the holly spirit and then he will come to take us home.
Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, any day, any hour, any minute and any second God is coming to take his Holy Spirit filled bride home in heaven. With that disgusting sinful life of yours that God sees you will be left behind on tribulation and believe me it’s the time you don’t even want to think of, after five months of torture you will be thrown to the bottomless pit where you will burn for eternity in the lake of fire made for sinners like you and the devil. While us poor and despised people here on earth we will be in heaven with our lord Jesus Christ rejoicing for eternity. Don’t you know that with that life you are living you are leading lots of people to hell? Look at Gabriel Jacksons, in your thoughts where do you think he is now? He was just like you, you know, but now he is locked in the grave and he has no resurrection power in him, which means he will remain there until on the Day of Judgment where all the sinners will be judged and thrown in the lake of fire by God. if it was possible one of the celebrities who died as sinners could have came back to life just to warn you of how they are suffering and tell you to change your lives but its impossible they cant come back, you as an individual you work your own way to heaven or hell with the life you are living before God.
However I think you are working your own way to hell and somehow I think you are a fool, why can’t you see God is on the way and make your life right with him before its too late? Your life is for rent and you can’t buy it even if you owned the whole world, so why are you not living your life right with someone who can give you life eternal? You have lots of money, cars and many more but sometimes I know you find your self lonely and depressed, doesn’t that prove something to you? Well, to me it proves that money and popularity means nothing without God, so you better make your life right with God while you are still alive because when you die there is no turning back. You may wish to come back to life and serve God but that won’t happen your time will be over.
The bible says “friendship with the world is enormity with God” and that friendship with the world is being famous, rich and loved by so many people. Lets look at our Lord Jesus Christ the creator, when he came to this world, was he loved by so many people like any of you celebrities? Was he rich and famous? No! He wasn’t and he didn’t even have his own pillow. The bible says his children will be just like him, they will be hated, despised and poor only here on earth. So when you look at your self, where do you think you are? Are you one of the poor or rich who will burn in hell? Just think of heaven and hell, where do you want to be for eternal? It’s your own decision to make. You are growing old Elijah Jordan Wood, there is no going back, I remember when I watched one of your movies when you where very young and now you are old that proves there is no turning back time is running for the coming of Jesus Christ and it won’t wait for you. However don’t ignore and keep on acting those movies that will help you with nothing but lead you and many people to hell. Be one in a million make your creator proud Elijah Jordan Wood I know you can do it because the things of this world will end but God is eternal he will help you when you are at your death bad dying when your money and popularity will not. Don’t ever think your church will help you with anything when you are dying it wont. Soon and very soon your hair will start turning white that proves your death is drawing nigh there is no turning back to the time you where a baby or sixteen years old.
you are mentally ill individual with a very twisted concept of christianity. Please find help and stay away from the gay community.
Linga, Linga, Linga...you and Sissy Spacek's ma in Carrie been having coffee again?...
well the sodom and gomorra reference wasnt taken out of context at all, the reason why sodom and gomora was destroyed was because there was not one who was right and God fearing. it had nothing to do with a group of people lieing with other men and women, their lack of fear for God is what brought upon those desires, its funny how everyone looks at the symptom but refuses to look at the source. while i commend you on what your preaching and where you are preaching it, context is key my fellow kin, with context, you get clarity, with clarity, questions are answered. and im not sure if scaring people into salvation is the best way to aproach this. while that works for people with convictions, it does nothing for a person who doesnt believe the Bible is truth, what you are doing is great, and needed, but the wording is key, make no mistake, the Bible is offensive,the day its not is the day that we have manipulated and torn it apart to not be offensive, and therein render it ineffective. im not saying dont offend people, because thats what the Bible does, what im saying is attune your message to something more apropriate than scare tactics, ive seen many people "accept" Jesus because they want fire insurance, but because they didnt actually realize they were filthy in the eyes of the Lord, they turned away during the hard times, and havent came back, it will be trully devine intervention if they do, i actively pray for those people, but in the end, God didnt set them with a desire for him, and so, they dont desire him. alot of our words will.fall on spiritually deaf ears,but i beseech you to keep up the fight, dont lose hope, and keep the holy fire of God ever fueled by his word.
i really don't care what anybody does in private in bed or holds hands in public with the opposite sex or kiss like they were in love that's their business,NOW as far as Elijah woods goes there was a girl on HBO her name was holly (lastname?) anyway she would conduct interviews in NYC in taxi's now she picked him up downtown in "THE VILLAGE" i'm sure if you try you can find it somewhere(YOUTUBE ETC>) well all's I can say is he REALLY turned up his GAY voice and towards the end he even gave her the left to right sort of over the head FINGER SNAP!! IF HE'S NOT GAY NEITHER is/was MICHAEL JACKSON . case closed...............
I think saying someone is going to hell because of the sex that they leead. Is comepleaty upser. Some of the worlds smartest animals have same sex partners. Whether it was an act of good or force of nature. That destroyed. Sodum and gamorah. After all were just a plant floting in outerspace. No one has no right to judge and I feel sorry for the person that was so board they. Had to keep preaching
Aloso the Bible is missing many years on jesus in his late teen years and mid to late 20s
sounds good that elijah is gay. he hasnt married a girl yet or had a baby,so i guess he likes boys or men. its alright,God loves gay people too,it was only a sin in the old testament but not in the new covenant in Jesus,if you have love in your hearts and commited relationship.
Would you plz quit writing on here Linga ? You have got subject. So please go find a forum that is more suited to your drivel.
Linga! Get professional help! Your mind is BROKEN! You poor mad thing.
who really cares if hes gay? it doesnt rally matter. all I know is that he is an amazing actor and he doesn't need everyone talking about him. It doesnt matter if your short, tall, fat, gay....as long as you stay true to youself...your perfect. and thats somthing no one can take away.
Elijah Wood is not gay. Why is he seen with some girl named Pamela? Answer that. And why do girls go crazy over him? I don't believe any of this bull****. These people that post this **** are all the same. People that think Elijah is gay must be themselves, because why would they even be talking about it...So, why are these people posting this anyway? There is another site that made me really mad. I wanted to do something about it, but I am not that clever. Take a look...
How can you even get away with something like that. Extreme hatred. I can't believe the C.I.A. hasn't done something about it, to be very honest.
I am twenty-eight years of age and all of my life, Elijah Wood has been an idol. I appreciate his good humor over this silly subject but some guys can dream. Can't they? 8P
As for those who intend to slander this handsome man (who would look AMAZING as a woman >_> just sayin') I do find it consistently amusing of what one could find in the deep and desperate recesses of the internet. I hope the internet never changes (except 4chan, could do without the closet-pedo hideout.)
I can't wait for a movie with Elijah Wood where he plays as an ugly and ruthless and murderously evil bad guy. One day... And this is all because I had for my entire life wondered what if the roles had been reversed in The Good Son? Such a villainous part would be quite a challenge I'd think for such a person, granted he did amazing when he went crazy-evil in LOTR.
To Linga Munthale: It's very sad that people like you, who have resisited a spiritual awakening, and thus an honest and true relationship with God, still think the way you do. It is only through acceptance and love and tolerance, that you will know the kingdom of Heaven. Your ideas of punishment and revenge and torment at the hands of a judgemental God are your own personal Hell, of your own making. I pray to God and Jesus to open your eyes and heart, and allow you to experience to true love and Glory of our loving Father.
Stfu.. You have no idea what you're talking about.. Signed someone who was there at the beginning
Never once does he deny being gay , just says he has fun looking at the pics
Oh, for Pete's sake. My friend is friends with Elijah and he's very, very, VERY straight. Believe me.
@Linga Munthale, Excuse me ma'am, but... Shut the f*** up. What does Elijah Wood, a person you'll NEVER MEET... Going to matter? Why are you ranting in public? If you want to rant, that's why we have twitter, and another thing. Why do you have to bring religion into this? Yes, it's against YOUR religion, but guess what, not everyone believes in the same thing that you do. You see, religion is divided into MILLIONS of groups, but they still fit into the 'base'. Religion is not what you read out of a book, it's what you perceive it to be. You read the book, and see it in your own way, a perspective. But it's highly disrespectful to say this in front of all of these people. I am a protheist, and I am researching them. I however do not believe in a higher power. It's very disgusting that you're going to use religion to speak against someone, however, your words shall not be recognized. These are happy people, I'm sorry you are unable to see this. They ARE the ones who make the wedding dresses. They ARE still human beings. And one more subject I didn't cover. If you call them confused people, they're no confused than you are. Yes, I said it. You are confused, everyone is. We are still trying to figure out everything. So... Yeah, I pretty much stated my article. Anyways, you may be able to tell someone how to live... But it doesn't mean they have to listen. Please, think about what you're going to say before you say anything. Because some educated person... Will show you how much of an ass you are in public, k thanks.
P.S. This is Tommy Nowland if you want to have a go at me. :) Happy surfing!
Oh my goodness, is there a paper that must be signed in order to comment on here?, and does this paper certify you??? Everyone on here is one crayon short of a full box!!! I have never read such CRAZY things!!! I myself could care less if he's straight or gay, however he is looked up to by A LOT of young people who can use EVERY possible positive role model, who happen to be gay, that they can get, comments here PROVE that! I came out at age 14, am FAR from famous, have a FANTASTIC relationship with GOD, have been with my partner for 23 years, and I think being proud of yourself, no matter who you love, is most important.
@Linga Munthale, Excuse me ma'am, but... Shut the fuck up. What does Elijah Wood, a person you'll NEVER MEET... Going to matter? Why are you ranting in public? If you want to rant, that's why we have twitter, and another thing. Why do you have to bring religion into this? Yes, it's against YOUR religion, but guess what, not everyone believes in the same thing that you do. You see, religion is divided into MILLIONS of groups, but they still fit into the 'base'. Religion is not what you read out of a Bible, it's what you perceive it to be. You read the Bible, and see it in your own way, a perspective. But it's highly disrespectful to say this in front of all of these people. I am a protheist, and I am researching them. I however do not believe in a higher power. It's very disgusting that you're going to use religion to speak against someone, however, your words shall not be recognized. These are happy people, I'm sorry you are unable to see this. They ARE still human beings. And one more subject I didn't cover. If you call them confused people, they're no confused than you are. Yes, I said it. You are confused, everyone is. We are still trying to figure out everything. So... Yeah, I pretty much stated my article. Anyways, you may be able to tell someone how to live... But it doesn't mean they have to listen. Please, think about what you're going to say before you say anything. Because some educated person... Will show you how much of an ass you are in public, k thanks.
P.S . If you would like to have a go at me, and lose an argument, email me at lileeyore124491@yahoo.com
So basically you know the cutest person in the whole entire world! !!!!!!!!! I am so in love with him! !!!!!
Hahahahahahaha, thanks for the laugh! Nothing cracks me up more then evangelical retards preaching about the end of the world and how gays are bringing it closer.
Linga you are so right. god did come last night. All over my hair. Amen.
Elijah can do or be any thing he wants. It always doesn't have to be posted or tweeted about. He is amazing and all of you people that call him sick or strange are completely wrong.
Elijah can be or do anything he wants to with out it being tweeted or posted. Everyone has there own choices and minds. Even if he is gay you shouldn't judge him for what he is.
Elijah can be or do what ever he wants to without judgment or hatred. All of you who say he is disgusting and he shouldn't be allowed to act and stuff are horrible people
Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, want it or not, THE END IS TRULY HERE, hell is moving towards the earth and thats why we see all the crimes and natural disasters happening. Make your live right with God before its too late. Those celebrities you seem to love more than God wil only lead you to destruction! DÖNT LET THE DEVIL DECIVE YOU. The lord is coming in the sky. God bless you and i love you all!
God is not mocked! Be careful! THE END IS TRULY HERE, make your life right with God. HELL IS MOVING TOWARDS THE EARTH AND ONE OF THESE DAYS THE EARTH SHALL BE DESTROYS. Dont be afraid, trust in God and he will never leave you because he promised to be always with you. May the good Lord open your eyes so that you can see the truth. God bles you!
There's a precious hiding place in Jesus side, a cleft of hevenly grace. There's a shelter from all sin, from all doubt and from all pride, all the world may enter in precious place in Jesus side. God loves you, dont let the things of this world that so rapidly decay take away your life eternal in heaven. LOVE GOD HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP YOU. Not Elijah Wood a sinner like you! By LINGA MUNTHALE!
Time is no more! Something spiritual is taking place! People make your lives right with God now, he is still sitting on the mercy seat, once he stands its judgement! The end is here, the signs happen all around the world proves it. Dont look at celebrities, they know the truth but they are afraid to loose their worldy riches that so rapidly decay. Time is no more, hell is moving towards the earth, demons of hell are about to be set free! PLEASE LISTEN before its too late. God bless you all!
So then, all of you wannabe homophobes out there who believe being gay is by choice. Did you wake up one morning and decide to be heterosexual? Also, what will all the churches do when they become empty? People make the church, not the building! And yes, I too am a Christian! Leave Elijah alone. In real life he is a nice person.
I have an explanation. It's the month he is born in.......
It's his zodiac sign that makes him act like this. He is actually a very ok straight man.....
All these people saying "what does it matter" - it doesn't matter, of course! - but that's what we're all here discussing - So what?! (that is, except for that sick bitch Linga) - So anyway, we're not discussing the ramifications, just simply the "is he?" or "isn't he?" -
I personally don't know, but am leaning toward yeah, he is.
I admit, I've had a low grade crush on him for years.
I AGREE WITH THIS GUY!!! Elijah is VERY beautiful and is VERY straight...y'all need to stop spreadin these rumors
wow u all have a lot of time on your hands
The end as you know it. World has ended many times before and the earth remained steadfast.
I for one cannot wait for the end of the world. It means a fresh start
I know first hand that Elijah is bisexual. He prefers guts though. When the heat is in iecmakes it a point to be seen in public with his "girlfriend." Elijah is also a cross dresser. Nothing wrong with that per say. He should just own who he is. I hear he's he'my sca devout Catholic and very anti gay. He is very close to Deb and I guess he doesn't want to disappoint her. Latest news is Elijah is sick with hepatitis and has a nasty little heroin habit which he supposedly went to rehab in Canada recently. Who knows if it's true but the sources I feel are very reliable.
I know first hand that Elijah is bisexual. He prefers guys though. When the heat is on he makes it a point to be seen in public with his "girlfriend." Elijah is also a cross dresser. Nothing wrong with that per say. He should just own who he is. I hear his mom is a devout Catholic and very anti gay. He is very close to Deb and I guess he doesn't want to disappoint her. Latest news is Elijah is sick with hepatitis and has a nasty little heroin habit which he supposedly went to rehab in Canada recently. Who knows if it's true but the sources I feel are very reliable.
I think speculation about Elijah Wood’s sexual orientation represents wishful thinking on the part of those who think he’s cute. Is it true? More significantly, is it relevant to our lives? Unless we’re engaged in a sexual liaison with Elijah, probably not.
Youre awesome Elijah,who cares what the world thinks . theyre is nothing wrong with being gay ,live life to the fullest id love to meet ya.haha
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